Here is a over view of what the lender feels you should qualify for. I wanted to see what you think before we move forward with the full approval.
Purchase Price: $700,000.00
Down Payment: $42,000.00
Now Loan Amount: $658,000.00 @ 6.50% 30 year Fixed FHA
Payment: $4,208.00 Principal & Interest
+ 600.00 Home owners Insurance
+ 729.00 Property Taxes
+ 274.00 Mortgage Insurance
Total Monthly Payment: $5,810.00
Let me know if the payments would work for you.
$5,810/mois? C'est en anciens Dollars ou quoi?
Euh. Bin non. Ca works pas du tout for me, la... Nan, mais serieux: 6.5%*???
Va falloir qu'on revoit nos pretentions serieusement a la baisse... P'tain, la claque que je viens de me prendre, la...
*Et pourtant mon credit score est Excellent... P'tain mais serieux, quoi...
MaJ: j'ai ajoute le lien du Departement of Housing and Urban Development, pour expliquer a quel type de prets on a regarde...
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