lundi 20 octobre 2008

US vs. France, Prive vs. Public. Enjoy.

A quelques jours d'interval, Jet-lag compris: Un labo en France.
Sans commentaire.
Maintenant, echange d'emails au sein du mien, suite a l'email de ma chef:
I am doing next year's budget for our group, and would like to know what your needs are for new capital equipment. It is ok to ask for everything and anything that we don't currently have, and that you have the need for your research. Do not worry about cost at this point. Just keep in mind that (1) if you do not ask, most likely you will not get it, and (2) just because you asked, it does not mean you will get it either.
Please send me your wish list by end of tomorrow.
OK. Alors ma reponse:
Dear Santa Clauss,
As I behaved very well this year, I am sure you're gonna be very generous with me, so... I would like:
- A biological hood to make cell cultures, petri dishes...
- A nanodrop spec. I know: I am lazy: there's one in the lab next door...
- A small refrigerated bench top centrifuge just for eppis...
- A small 96 plates centrifuge.
- Another Ducati Monster motorbike. I won't be picky on the color.
Ok, on notera le ton pas-hyper-corporate de mon email, mais bon on est plutot cool sur ce point au labo...
Et donc pour finir, la reponse de la chef:
That was quick!
A very reasonable list, for the most part...
Others: If your list overlaps with Le Piou's, please do not exclude the overlapping items, so that I can get a sense on the common need. Please include a ballpark cost number, which I forgot to ask for in the original e-mail.
Une raison supplementaire pour laquelle je rentrerai pas. Je rajoute meme que je comprends pas pourquoi Roberta continue dans ce merdier...
Ah oui au fait, le coup de grace: On aura tout bien tout ce que j'ai demande... A part la Monster... Fait chier quand meme...

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